[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]

Regional and International Relations

Arab Leaders, Viewing Hamas as Worse Than Israel, Stay Silent David Kirkpatrick argues that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have lined up with Israel in its attack on Gaza.

Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt in daily contact over Gaza David Hearst exposes the close cooperation between these three countries over the war on Gaza.

Saudi Arabia’s crocodile tears over Gaza David Hearst writes a biting criticism of the Saudi authorities’ position on the Israeli attack on Gaza.

Saudi King Abdullah urges scholars to foil attempts to malign Islam A news report on the Saudi king’s address to the Arab and Islamic countries, which focuses on the threat of terrorism.

Saudi king condemns Gaza war but not Israel Abdullah al-Shihri and Aya Batrawy analyzes King Abdullah’s position on the Israeli aggression on Gaza in his latest speech.

Saudi king labels Israeli offensive in Gaza a war crime Angus McDowall examines the Saudi king’s speech and its critical reception among some Saudis.

Saudi Grand Mufti Issues Fatwa against Solidarity Marches with Gaza Aziz Allilou reflects on the Saudi grand mufti’s description of pro-Gaza demonstrations as useless and demagogic.

Kerry seeks Qatari, Turkish help to find Israeli soldier David Brunnstrom reports on the US secretary of state’s call for Turkey and Qatar to use their influence to gain the release of the Israeli soldier captured by Hamas. 

Pakistan troops to defend jittery Saudis Saudi Arabia deploys Pakistani and Egyptian troops to defend its borders with Iraq amid fears of attacks from ISIS.

Emirates to stop flying over Iraq after MH17 disaster Emirates Airline decided to divert its planes from flightpaths over Iraq as a precaution against the threat posed by Islamic militants on the ground.

Reports and Opinions

Bahrain sets up committee to regulate top government appointments Habib Toumi reports on the Bahraini authorities’ decision to set up a committee charged with the regulation of appointments to high positions in the public sector.

Saudis spend SR40 billion on Eid A news report on the expenditure of Saudi citizens during Eid al-Fitr.

Saudi Arabia beheads citizen, Nepali maid The Saudi authorities carried out the death penalty on a Nepali maid and a Saudi national, bringing the number of beheadings this year to seventeen.

Crisis in Yemen

Yemen protests erupt after fuel price doubled Yemenis take to the streets to protest the government’s decision to end fuel subsidies in order to secure a loan from the International Monetary Fund.

Yemen rage boils over `unliveable` price hike Peter Salisbury reports on the increasing discontent among Yemenis over cuts to fuel subsidies, which increased costs by ninety percent.

Armed men blow up Yemen`s oil pipeline halting crude flows A news report on the latest attack on Yemen’s main pipeline.

Prospect of reconciliation in Yemen marred by violence A news report on the reconciliation between the former and current Yemeni presidents.

Yemen announces ceasefire between army and rebel Houthis A presidential mediation committee brokered a new ceasefire between the Yemeni army and Houthi fighters.

Migrant Workers

Qatar World Cup: officials ‘dismayed’ by unpaid workers Organizers of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar are alarmed by reports that workers who worked on their offices are still waiting to get paid. 

Qatar World Cup stadium workers earn as little as 45p an hour Robert Booth and Pete Pattison argue that migrant workers’ low pay rate is in violation of welfare rules.

Fifa: we will monitor Qatar`s treatment of migrant World Cup workers closely The world governing body of football promises to oversee the treatment of migrant workers in Qatar.


Watch: Unveiled Saudi anchorwoman causes controversy A Saudi television official attempts to appease a growing controversy over the appearance of an unveiled anchorwoman during a news broadcast on state television.

Jail, Dh1m fine for spreading rumours in UAE The Emirati authorities announce that people who use social media to disseminate false information will face a jail term and/or fine.

Jailed Al Jazeera journalist might not appeal, has `no faith` in Egypt`s judiciary Mohamed Fahmy, an Egyptian-Canadian journalist, says that he may not appeal his jail sentence in a letter smuggled to his family.

A letter from prison Al Jazeera English publishes Mohamed Fahmy’s letter to his family. 

Human Rights

Bahrain: Harassment of leading human rights defender Nabeel Rajab at Heathrow Airport The Gulf Center for Human Rights and the Bahrain Center for Human Rights condemn the ill-treatment of the Bahraini activist and his family upon arriving in Heathrow.

UAE: Open letter to the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, regarding human rights defender Obaid Al-Zaabi The Gulf Center for Human Rights addresses a letter to the Emirati authorities about the human rights activist, who is still being held incommunicado after the federal supreme court declared him innocent of all charges in May.

Bahrain Champion for Justice: Dr. Saeed al-Samahiji The Bahrain Center for Human Rights publishes a profile on al-Samahiji in its series “Champion for Justice.”

Bahrain: Photographer Hussain Hubail Denied Medical Care for Heart Condition The Bahrain Center for Human Rights expresses its concern over Hussain Hubail’s health.


مفتي السعودية: مظاهرات التأييد لغزة أعمال غوغائية لا خير فيها
Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti describes protests taking place in Arab and Muslim countries in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza as useless and demagogic.

ترّهات مفتي السعودية
An editorial in al-Quds al-Arabi criticizing the Saudi mufti’s remarks on pro-Gaza protests.

إنكفاء المملكة عن دورها الإقليمي
A news report on Saudi Arabia’s declining regional influence in light of King Abdullah’s Eid al-Fitr speech and his failure to mention the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

الملك السعودي: مكافحة الإرهاب مسؤولية الجميع
A news report on King Abdullah’s speech - his second in less than a week - which touched on the threat of terrorism and the Israeli attack on Gaza.

خطاب ملك السعودية: فلسطين ليست قضيتنا
Fouad Ibrahim argues that the message in the Saudi king’s latest speech is that Palestine is not “our cause.”

أعنف هجوم تركي على السعودية: عبد الله ملك من ورق
Mohammed Nour al-Din writes on the Turkish attack on the Saudi king, accusing him of coordinating the onslaught on Palestinians in Gaza with Egypt.

اليمن: هادي يستغل تسامح العيد في تدشين مصالحة وطنية بين الخصوم السياسيين ورفع الدعم الحكومي عن المشتقات النفطية
Khalid al-Hamadi reflects on the Yemeni president’s decision to broker a national reconciliation among political opponents and to lift the government subsidies of fuel.

اليمن | مصالحة سياسية مهّدت لرفع الدعم الحكومي
Jamal Jubran argues that a political compromise among different groups paved the way for the government to end its fuel subsidies.

اليمن: أزمة الوقود تثير غضب الشارع
Yemenis demonstrate in Sanaa to protest the government’s decision to end its fuel subsidies.

اليمن: تسليم 8 من "القاعدة" إلى السعودية
The Yemeni authorities hand over eight members of al-Qaeda to Saudi Arabia.

اليمن: «القاعدة» يقتل 4 شرطيين
Al-Qaeda militants kill four policemen near Shabwa.

اليمن: تجدد الاشتباكات بين الحوثيين ومناهضيهم
Clashes erupt between Houthi fighters and their opponents in al-Jawf.

حملة إسرائيلية جديدة على قطر
Wadi’ Awawda writes on the Israeli campaign against Qatar and Al Jazeera, which accuses them of supporting the Palestinian resistance.

ملك السعودية وأمير قطر يبحثان هاتفيا الوضع في غزة
The Qatari emir discussed developments in Gaza with the Saudi king.

جمعية الصحافيين الكويتية تستنكر «تطاول» رئيسها الفخري على النبي محمد
The Kuwait Journalist Association condemns its honorary director’s description of the Prophet Muhammad as a boy working as a shepherd for his first wife.